Greed is one of the most common human vices.
It is often ridiculed even in folk tales, because this phenomenon is not new at all.
However, greedy people do not consider themselves as such. On the contrary, they value their thrift and prudence.
Sometimes we rely on a close friend, relative or partner to come to the rescue in a difficult situation, especially if financial services are needed.
A greedy person will not be able to part with his money, even if you promise to return it all.
A greedy person is used to accumulating money for himself and his own needs. If he were interested in charity and good deeds, he would help those in financial need.
However, greedy people are too self-focused. It is unlikely that anyone would want to see such a selfish person in their circle.
Experts note that we try to surround ourselves with people we want to be like. Therefore, we need to be friends and communicate with those who are better than us.
Previously we talked about how you can get rid of debt .