How to Neutralize the Effect of the Omen About a Black Cat Crossing Your Path: 4 Methods

29.07.2023 03:30

A black cat crossing or running across your path brings bad luck.

This is perhaps one of the most well-known negative signs.

However, many do not know how to neutralize its effects.

But there are at least four ways. And none of them are difficult.

Ways to neutralize the omen

It is believed that if a black cat crosses your path, then luck will leave the person who continues on his way until the end of the day.

Photo: © Belnovosti

To avoid negative consequences, you must perform one of the following actions:

  • take hold of a button;
  • find a broken branch, take it in your hands and break it;
  • make a 360 degree turn;
  • cross your fingers.

According to popular belief, any of these rituals cancels the effect of the sign about a black cat. The main thing is to have time to perform the action before approaching the area where the animal was.

A person can safely follow a previously planned route: there is no need to fear dangers and unpleasant consequences.

There is another way to neutralize the omen: you can spit three times over your left shoulder. However, many people do not want to do this, especially if someone is nearby.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief