How to Get Rid of Unreasonable Jealousy: Experts Reveal Secrets

11.05.2024 18:00

Many people experience the unpleasant feeling of jealousy, which can make even strong relationships less enjoyable.

Therefore, it is important to get rid of it.

However, this is not always an easy task, experts note. Many people try to cope with themselves for years, but do not get the desired result.

How can you overcome the feeling of jealousy?

Is there a reason?

Sometimes we ourselves are jealous of events and people who do not deserve any attention. Therefore, we should always ask ourselves: is there really a reason for jealousy?

If you realize that the feeling at the moment is not justified by anything, then just remember this.

Photo: Pixabay

Increase your self-esteem

Often the feeling of jealousy is associated with the fact that we consider the people around us to be more attractive, interesting and worthy of our partner’s attention.

Of course, this is not the case: otherwise, the partner would simply pass by and never start a relationship.

So in this case we are talking about low self-esteem. If you get rid of it, you will be able to overcome unreasonable jealousy.

Trust in the partner

Often, the feeling of jealousy is connected with the fact that we cannot fully trust our loved one. Perhaps this is connected with our past. If we have negative experiences behind us, we can lose trust in people.

Sometimes the problem lies with the partner, if he or she has committed "sins" in the past.

So think about whether you trust your loved one.

Earlier we talked about how to understand that a man doesn’t really love you .

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. How can you overcome the feeling of jealousy?
  2. Is there a reason?
  3. Increase your self-esteem
  4. Trust in the partner