Many representatives of the fair sex are ashamed of certain habits.
They think that some of their actions are strange and ridiculous.
But before you start fighting a “bad habit,” make sure that it is truly undesirable.
After all, some women's oddities are very pleasing to men.
So, what girlish actions touch the stronger sex?
Some women consider their laughter ugly.
They are sure that my laughter makes me less attractive.
In fact, many men like funny female giggles. They don't mind loud laughter either.
So feel free to express your positive emotions as you can. Don't hold back your laughter.
Many guys find this action of girls very cute.
After all, a young lady standing on tiptoe seems to be trying to compensate for her height, and therefore she begins to seem defenseless.
Don't be shy to dance the way you want.
Believe me, even if the movements you perform look funny, you will not become less attractive to guys. Quite the opposite.
Earlier we named 3 compliments that men like.