5 Problems That Can Destroy a Marriage: Expert Opinion

07.04.2024 18:00

Many people make the mistake of taking marriage for granted: if you don’t value it and don’t work to strengthen the relationship, you can lose your family.

Divorce is not usually the starting point of disagreement.

People prepare for this cardinal decision for years, giving their partner countless chances.

What Mistakes Can Ruin a Marriage

Partners become parents

Many women become "moms" for their husbands, depriving men of the right to choose, constantly making it for them. Excessive care also applies to this.

You shouldn’t think that a man needs to be educated and remade: you have a fully formed personality in front of you.

Photo: Pixabay

Men also sometimes make the mistake of playing "daddy": they protect their wives from any problems and worries, turning her into a "little girl". When he needs help from a mature and intelligent woman, he will not be able to get it, experts note.

Therefore, you shouldn’t play parents with your loved ones: this is not the best choice.

Ban on girlfriends and friends

Don't think that a vacation without spouses is always something dangerous for a marriage: this is a mistake. Every person sometimes wants to break out of the family routine and spend time with girlfriends and friends.

At the same time, spouses should not prohibit seeing loved ones and arrange “casting” for the role of friends.

The intimate side

Many people pretend before marriage in order not to hurt the feelings of their loved one and not to lose him. This is a big mistake.

It is important to understand that physical intimacy plays an important role in marriage.

Therefore, it is worth initially looking for a partner with the same requirements as you, instead of constantly pretending or making excuses.


Any person in marriage wants to feel loved, important, needed and the most important. This need can be "closed" only within the framework of a good family.

Therefore, it is important to be attentive and sensitive towards each other.

Lack of anything in common

The first few years of marriage may not notice this problem, because the feelings are still fresh and new. But over time, the lack of similar views and interests has a depressing effect.

Therefore, it is important not to lose your head over your feelings and to choose your marriage partner rationally.

Earlier we talked about the five problems that arise in almost every modern family .

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What Mistakes Can Ruin a Marriage
  2. Partners become parents
  3. Ban on girlfriends and friends
  4. The intimate side
  5. Inattention
  6. Lack of anything in common

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