How to understand that you shouldn’t waste time even on correspondence with a man: experts named 3 signs

07.03.2024 21:30

Some women consider texting a safe form of dating, but not all men are worth wasting your time on.

There are some people who are just entertaining themselves, distracting you from more important tasks.

How do you know that you shouldn't waste time even on texting a man?

Significant age difference

If you are looking for a serious relationship, then you know very well that you should not pay attention to men who are much younger or older.

You will still find it difficult to understand each other, experts say.

The man is picking on you

There are types of men who are used to asserting themselves at the expense of others. Women are no exception. Already at the correspondence stage, they will devalue your achievements, ridicule your hobbies and behave inappropriately.

Photo: Pixabay

It is definitely not worth continuing to communicate with such a man.

A fan from a distant land

You shouldn't hope that one day your admirer will fly from another country just for a date with you: such stories happen extremely rarely.

In most cases, you simply go into a fantasy world and forget about reality.

Earlier we talked about why a woman should not forget about work for the sake of a relationship .

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. How do you know that you shouldn't waste time even on texting a man?
  2. Significant age difference
  3. The man is picking on you
  4. A fan from a distant land

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