Surely many people can remember their first love even decades later.
Even if the experience was not successful, it is still nice to remember.
It is believed that no subsequent relationship will be so treasured in our memory.
People will always remember new experiences, especially the very first ones we have. Love is one of the most powerful and exciting feelings, so it is no wonder that it plays such a big role in life.
Experts note that first love is remembered so vividly mainly because of the novelty of the sensations.
Not everyone knows that our memory does not work quite as we expect. Negative moments will not seem so bad to us.
And good memories become brighter and better every year.
That is why first love seems to be the purest, most sincere and strongest.
First love is a unique way of interacting with yourself. In relationships, we begin to open up from a completely different side, sometimes unexpected even for ourselves.
This is what makes the experience of the first relationship seem so important.
Previously, we talked about the signs that a relationship is doomed .