3 Tricks to Get Rid of the Excellent Student Complex: Life Will Become Easier

08.03.2023 17:00
Updated: 14.04.2023 13:10

In childhood, an individual's parents could have told him that he should study hard, read books, and not go to discos. As an example, he could have been given those who only study, those who put it first.

Listening to all this, a person absorbed it, strove to become the best. He could have dreams that he would grow up, do what he wanted.

But reality often turns out to be such that gradually the individual himself begins to force himself to do everything perfectly, does not allow himself to make mistakes. Such a state indicates that he has developed the syndrome of an excellent student.

This greatly complicates life, does not allow you to feel comfortable and calm. You need to fight this syndrome so as not to drive yourself into a corner, so as not to deprive yourself of joy completely. Several tricks will help with this.

Life is not the Olympics

And we must remember this. A person should not be the first in everything, take on more than everyone else. No one will appreciate his efforts, but he will certainly exhaust himself.

Photo: Pixabay

It is necessary to determine what is a priority, choose one or several areas for development, and work in them. This way, you will be able to avoid giving all your energy to something that does not play any role, but to preserve it.

Stop shaming yourself

Fear of making mistakes is what is a sign of the straight-A student syndrome. It is necessary to work with it separately, to try to eliminate it. You will need to start with stopping shaming yourself, to give up this habit altogether.

It’s better to support yourself, encourage yourself, emphasize how much good has been done, what things you managed to do well.

Ask for help

And don't be afraid to do it. It's not a sign of weakness, it's not considered something shameful. A person who asks for advice, who tries to find help, has much better control over his life than someone who doesn't.

It is important to acquire the described habit and use it so as not to drive yourself into a corner completely.

The straight-A syndrome needs to be fought, it needs to be worked on. This will allow you to change your life for the better, and also get rid of the demands on your children, due to which they will not have to look for ways to get rid of the straight-A syndrome in the future.

Author: Yana Lysova Internet resource editor

  1. Life is not the Olympics
  2. Stop shaming yourself
  3. Ask for help