4 tips for those with an excellent student complex: will help get rid of it

04.02.2023 13:00
Updated: 13.04.2023 20:33

You need to study well to get the opportunity to become a specialist in some field, to realize yourself, to achieve success. This is instilled in everyone from childhood.

A person can do things his own way, not follow the lead of parents or teachers in some matters, but fulfill the requirements without fanaticism. In the long run, this will be useful for him, because he will be able to maintain healthy self-esteem, he will be able to remain himself.

But another individual who is used to doing everything perfectly may develop an excellent student complex. In this case, he will strive to do everything better than his colleagues, will make not only demands on himself, but also complaints, will always try to jump above his head.

All the symptoms described should not be confused with diligence. If they have made themselves known, you need to start working with the straight-A student complex and get rid of it. Certain recommendations can help with this.

Life is not the Olympics

It is important to remember that you don't need to compete with anyone, that you don't need to prove anything to anyone. No one will appreciate such efforts, but you will have to spend a lot of energy on them.

Photo: Pixabay

It is very likely that if you work under stress for a long time, you will get sick. And in that case, you will only let everyone down by not fulfilling your promises.

Focus on the main thing

You don't have to be the best at everything. You need to find yourself, the direction you like, the one you want to develop in, and move in it.

But you should forgive yourself for your ignorance in other areas. There are specialists in everything, but not everyone should be a specialist in everything.

Don't shame yourself

The fear of making a mistake is something that always accompanies the excellent student complex. It is necessary to learn to accept negative experience, to consider it not a punishment, but a blessing.

You can learn from mistakes, and with their help you can improve yourself. In some situations, however, you can’t influence what’s happening at all, which is worth reminding yourself of.

Ask for help

It is difficult for an excellent student to do this, but this skill should be mastered. It should be remembered that the one who consults, who asks for help, controls what is happening better than others.

Such a person is aware of his capabilities, their limits. If you need to do something beyond him, without making a mistake, then it is really better to delegate the task to someone who can handle it.

An excellent student should start using these tips in life. In this case, he will have a positive effect on his psychological state and will ease his lot.

Author: Yana Lysova Internet resource editor

  1. Life is not the Olympics
  2. Focus on the main thing
  3. Don't shame yourself
  4. Ask for help