How to Get Rid of Toxic Guilt: 4 Tips from Psychologists to Help

03.02.2023 13:00
Updated: 13.04.2023 20:01

Guilt is a normal reaction in certain situations. A person could have harmed someone, done something deliberately, because of which his conscience will torment him later.

He will feel unbearable at such moments, he will experience internal tension. But with the receipt of forgiveness, he will gradually begin to feel better.

There are cases when guilt does not go away, when it torments too long for a specific situation. In this case, it can be called toxic. It is necessary to get rid of such a feeling, which will help a few tips given by psychologists.

Start research

It is important to understand what guilt is, what causes it, whether there are any grounds for it in reality. It is necessary to talk about when exactly it arose, to describe the details of the events after which it happened.

Perhaps relief will come immediately, because it will become clear that there is no reason to feel guilty.

Photo: Pixabay

Tolerate discomfort

When doing the previous point, you will have to delve into the depths of your soul, open old wounds. This can lead to the emergence of strong emotions, to the emergence of feelings that have taken root.

You should find support in the person you trust. In this case, you will not want to turn away from the chosen path, you will live through the emotions to the end, which will be beneficial.

Forgive yourself

The past cannot be changed, but you can certainly apologize. You should admit some of your own peculiarities, oddities, and shortcomings.

You should forgive yourself for everything, and also remind yourself that you can work on something in your character, make it a little better, if you set yourself such a goal.

Let go

A person who suffers from codependency may develop a sense of guilt. He is used to helping someone who is sick, who suffers from an addiction to something.

But he can't do anything about it. He should let it go, distance himself from the situation that no one can influence. In that case, he will be able to restore balance.

These tips should always be used when the guilt does not go away for a long time. With their help, the condition will be stabilized and brought into full order.

Author: Yana Lysova Internet resource editor

  1. Start research
  2. Tolerate discomfort
  3. Forgive yourself
  4. Let go