4 Excuses That Prevent You From Becoming Successful

12.01.2023 13:00
Updated: 13.04.2023 10:01

Even those who don't talk about it, who don't even talk out loud about setting goals and achieving them, want to be at the top of success. A person can simply be active, act, and then surprise everyone.

Someone can remain passive, mark time in one place, and not show themselves in any way. It is noteworthy that in such a situation the individual often talks about what is happening in his life and why.

He says certain phrases, justifies himself with them. There are several examples of this.

I don't have time

It can always be singled out. It's all about how priorities are set. A person can concentrate on routine, can get bogged down in it. In this case, he will not see anything global from what is happening around.

He will not set goals, will not take decisive steps. He can also devote his free minutes to watching movies, TV series, games. This will seem to him to be a priority.

young woman
Photo: Pixabay

I have no money

This is often heard from the mouth of someone who does not start his own business. A person can refer to a lack of money, but at the same time do nothing to earn it, to make savings that will become the starting capital.

There is also a chance to find a partner-investor, to use his help. But the individual will not do this either.

I don't know what to do

Experience comes only if you act. To start, you need to study, get basic knowledge. In this case, there will be more opportunities to do something that will be appropriate, that will lead to success in the long run.

But the individual may not do any of this, may not even try to take the first steps.

This is unrealistic

Nothing is impossible. Some things take less time, some things take longer.

But you can always get a result if you think through a strategy of behavior, if you follow it, if you remain true to it.

All these phrases are just excuses. They are said by someone who does not want to be active, thereby declaring himself and what he is capable of.

Author: Yana Lysova Internet resource editor

  1. I don't have time
  2. I have no money
  3. I don't know what to do
  4. This is unrealistic