Alcohol intoxication and hooliganism: two defendants arrested

10.09.2024 10:26
Updated: 27.09.2024 21:06

The Borisov District Prosecutor's Office supported the state prosecution in the criminal case against K., born in 2002, and T., born in 2002, for committing a crime under Part 2 of Article 339 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus.

Thus, K., having a single intent to commit hooligan acts, acting as a group of persons with T., on 05/25/2024 no later than 10:00 am, being in a state of alcoholic intoxication in an area near the Vesta OJSC department store, located on st. Gagarin in the city of Borisov, acting intentionally, without cause, out of hooligan motives, grossly violating public order and expressing obvious disrespect for society, accompanying their actions with damage to someone else's property, together committed hooligan acts, accompanied by damage to property belonging to a private unitary enterprise for the provision of services, namely: they jumped onto the roof of a special trailer (hereinafter referred to as a trailer-dacha) (cash desk) of a children's entertainment center belonging to the above-mentioned enterprise, and walked on it, including stepping on two hatches with their feet, breaking, thereby destroying them and leaving dents on the roof, thereby damaging the trailer-dacha (cash desk) with their above-mentioned actions; also K. and T., being on the roof of the above-mentioned trailer-dacha (cash desk), took turns sitting on the decorative figure of "Spider-Man" located there, belonging to the above-mentioned enterprise, moved it along the roof, performed actions simulating sexual intercourse, touching it with their bodies and the clothes they were wearing, and also with both of their hands lifted and turned over this figure, hitting it at least twice on the roof of the trailer-dacha (cash desk), thereby scratching, that is, damaging, this figure with their above-mentioned actions, and also T., in continuation of his single unlawful hooligan intent, jumped onto the upper covering (roof) of the children's attraction "Labyrinth" of the above-mentioned children's entertainment center, belonging to the private unitary enterprise for the provision of services, located there, sat, lay, jumped and walked on it, thereby tearing this coating, that is, destroyed it, and thereby damaged the above-mentioned children's attraction.

As a result of committing all of the above-mentioned deliberate hooligan actions, K. and T. caused property damage to a private unitary enterprise providing services in the total amount of 1,000 rubles.

Thus, K. and T., by their deliberate actions, committed a crime provided for in Part 2 of Article 339 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus as deliberate actions that grossly violate public order and express obvious disrespect for society, accompanied by damage to someone else's property, committed by a group of persons (malicious hooliganism).

The defendants admitted their guilt in full at the trial, but refused to testify.

criminal code
Photo: © Belnovosti

During the preliminary investigation, the accused also admitted their guilt in the crime committed, explaining that on 25.05.2024, during the period specified in the indictment, while intoxicated, they jumped onto the roof of a trailer of a children's entertainment center, walked on it, imitated sexual intercourse with a Spider-Man figure installed on the roof, sat on it, moved it, lifted the figure, turned it over and hit it on the roof of the trailer at least twice.

Also, the accused T. explained that he jumped on the top cover (roof) of the children's attraction "Labyrinth", walked, jumped, sat, and lay on it. They did not deny that their actions broke two hatches and dents were formed on the roof of the trailer, damaged the figure of "Spiderman" and tore the top cover (roof) of the children's attraction "Labyrinth".

The amount of property damage caused to the private unitary enterprise providing services, amounting to 1,000 rubles, was not disputed. They admitted that their actions were intentional, hooligan, and they had no reason to damage the above-mentioned enterprise.

In addition to the defendants’ full admission of guilt, their guilt in committing a crime is confirmed by the totality of evidence collected and examined by the court.

By the verdict of the Borisov District Court dated 28.08.2024, K. and T. were found guilty of intentional actions that grossly violate public order and express obvious disrespect for society, accompanied by damage to someone else's property, committed by a group of persons (malicious hooliganism), and on the basis of Part 2 of Article 339 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, the accused were sentenced to arrest for a period of 1 month each.

It should be noted that the sanction of Part 2 of Article 339 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus provides for more severe types of punishment, namely: restriction of freedom for up to three years or imprisonment for a term of one to six years.

The sentence has not entered into legal force.

The material was prepared by the assistant prosecutor of the Borisovsky district, junior justice adviser N. N. Litvin especially for the information and news portal "Belnovosti" (Certificate of state registration of mass media (mass media) No. 2 dated December 21, 2018).

Author: Belnovosti Editing of the Internet portal

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