What holiday is today: December 3, 2024

03.12.2024 00:01

Today is Tuesday, December 3, 2024. Day 338 of the Gregorian year. There are 28 days left in the year.

Sunrise: 09:08. Astronomical noon: 12:59. Sunset: 16:51. Day length: 07:43. Night length: 16:17.

According to the church calendar, the following people celebrate their name day on December 3:

Alexander, Alexey, Anatoly, Anna, Arseny, Vasily, Vladimir, Grigory, Emelyan, Ivan, Hilarion, Joseph, Isaac, Makar, Nikolay, Tatyana, Fekla.

What holidays are celebrated on December 3


This Tuesday we celebrate Positive Answer Day, Give a Gift Day and Caucasian Shepherd Day.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Other interesting events include Cinnamon Day, SMS Birthday, and World Trick Day. Be sure to congratulate your lawyer friends on their day.


In the church calendar, December 3 of this year is the 24th week after Pentecost and the Forefeast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple.

Orthodox Christians honor the memory of the Monk Gregory of Decapolis, Saint Proclus, Archbishop of Constantinople, Martyr Dasius, Martyrs Eustathius, Thespesius and Anatolius, Hieromartyrs Bishop Nirsa and Joseph, his disciple, John, Saverius, Isaac and Hypatius, Bishops of Persia; Martyr Azat the eunuch, Sassonius, Thekla, Anna and many other men and women who suffered in Persia, Venerable Damian (in schema Diodorus) of Yuryegorsk, Hieromartyrs Alexis, Alexander, Vladimir, John, Alexis, Basil, Nicholas, John, Emilian, Nicholas the priests, and the Venerable Martyrs Arsenius, Eutychius and Hilarion, Venerable Martyr Ioannikia the Abbess, Venerable Martyr Tatiana.

This day in history

In 1586, potatoes were first brought to England from Columbia.

In 1775, the first official raising of the American flag took place on board the sea vessel Alfred.

In 1966, the remains of the Unknown Soldier were buried near the Kremlin wall.

In 1967, the first heart transplant in medical history was performed at the Groote Schut Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. It was performed by Professor Christiaan Barnard, who transplanted the heart of a fatally wounded 25-year-old woman to a 55-year-old patient.

In 1992, the first SMS message was sent.

In 1994, Sony introduced its first gaming console, PlayStation, to the world.

Which celebrities were born on this day?

In 1596, the Italian master of stringed musical instruments Nicolo Amati was born, the creator of many bowed instruments, including cellos.

In 1753, the English inventor Samuel Crompton, who became a pioneer of the spinning industry, was born.

In 1833, Spanish-Cuban physician and scientist Carlos Juan Finlay, a pioneer in the study of yellow fever, was born.

In 1857, the English writer Joseph Conrad, a master of the sea novel, recognized as one of the greatest English novelists, was born.

In 1898, Soviet design engineer Mikhail Koshkin, creator of the T-34 tank, was born.

In 1911, Italian composer Nino Rota was born, who wrote music for many films by Federico Fellini and Luchino Visconti, as well as for Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather.

In 1924, American mathematician John Backus, creator of the Fortran programming language, was born.

In 1932, the Dutch singer Corrie Brokken, who won the 1957 Eurovision Song Contest, was born.

In 1948, British rock musician, singer, songwriter Ozzy Osbourne, holder of the unofficial title of "Godfather of Heavy Metal", was born.

In 1960, Soviet and Russian hockey player Igor Larionov was born, one of the few hockey players in the world who managed to win the main titles of world hockey: the Olympics, the world championships among adults and juniors, the Canada or World Cup, the Stanley Cup.

In 1981, Spanish footballer and striker David Villa, the top scorer in the history of the Spanish national team, was born.

Folk omens

December 3rd is popularly known as Proclus Day.

If it snows on this day, then you should prepare for rain on July 3.

Watch the birds: if a bullfinch sings and a magpie seeks shelter under a roof, a snowstorm should be expected. If you manage to see a black grouse on top of a tree, the weather will be sunny and warm.

If it snows at night and early in the morning of December 3, but the weather is calm, then in the coming days it will be clear, and the crackling of logs in the stove foretells frost.

Lunar calendar

In the lunar calendar, December 3 of the year is the 4th lunar day. The celestial body is in the waxing moon phase and in the sign of Capricorn.

Sunrise and sunset will occur today at 11:36 and 16:51 respectively.

This Tuesday, it is recommended to be more diplomatic when communicating with others and in business matters. When making decisions, it is important to avoid hasty conclusions, as there is a possibility of making a mistake due to increased risk.

For reference

A holiday is a period of time set aside on the calendar in honor of something or someone, which has a sacred (non-everyday, mythical) meaning and is associated with a cultural or religious tradition.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. According to the church calendar, the following people celebrate their name day on December 3:
  2. What holidays are celebrated on December 3
  3. This day in history
  4. Which celebrities were born on this day?
  5. Folk omens
  6. Lunar calendar