Correct placement of plants in a country house is quite a difficult task.
After all, it is necessary to ensure that the flora representatives do not compete for nutrients.
In addition, it is necessary to avoid the rapid spread of diseases and pests. And such a problem can make itself known if crops that are vulnerable to the same diseases and insects grow nearby.
Sometimes owners of country plots have this question: “What to plant under an apple tree?”
After all, a shaded area is not suitable for all crops.
In addition, you need to choose a plant for which the apple tree will not become an "enemy". And vice versa, the selected representative of the flora should not harm the fruit tree.
So, what to plant under an apple tree to get a good harvest? Three interesting ideas were shared by the expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", scientist-agronomist and landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh.
This plant is characterized by its unpretentiousness and fairly rapid growth.
The culture does not have a very large root system. And the plant also “feels” good in the shade.
Thus, radishes can be safely planted under an apple tree.
We are talking about shade-tolerant varieties of this garden crop.
First of all, the following varieties are worth mentioning: “Baby”, “Prestige”, “F1 Athlete”.
The apple tree foliage will provide the plant with protection from bright sunlight. The harvest will be abundant.
Being under an apple tree, the currant will be protected from strong winds.
In addition, these two representatives of flora have no common ailments. Thus, the neighborhood turns out to be ideal.