Once the potato tubers have sprouted, the gardener will have only one concern - to plant them correctly, and in order to collect a rich harvest - to add something to the holes.
Fans of folk remedies have a couple of recipes in store for this occasion.
There are many different supplements.
Some suggest protection against pests - mole crickets and wireworms. But these tips do not guarantee results.
Getting rid of pests is a long-term labor of hard work and the readiness for the pests to sooner or later move to you from a collective farm field or a neighboring plot.
Other additives are designed to improve the fertility of the soil.
For these efforts, gardeners will certainly be rewarded at the end of the season when they harvest their crops.
The simplest mixture that can be added to the holes is wood ash and compost.
There is no need to fertilize the bed with this composition in advance, since the mixture is added directly to the holes during planting.
The consumption is approximately one handful of ash and two handfuls of compost per hole.
The ingredients can be mixed directly in the hole, and then the sprouted tuber can be placed in it.
Summer residents who practice this method of feeding claim that in good years they collect half a bucket of potatoes from one bush.