What fertilizers do experienced gardeners use for lush dill: it wouldn’t hurt to find out

03.02.2025 11:00

As you know, in order for dill to sprout faster, it is recommended to soak the seeds before planting.

What should you do to ensure that your greens grow lush and tasty?

Experienced gardeners have found an answer to this question: of course, dill needs to be fertilized.

To begin, try a solution of ammonia on your beds, which should be applied by spraying.

It contains quite a lot of nitrogen, which, in addition to everything else, is well absorbed.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It will be useful for dill to increase green mass.

To prepare the nutrient composition, you will need a teaspoon of ammonia and 1 liter of water.

Another effective fertilizer is prepared using ash, which contains potassium and phosphorus – dill needs them for good growth.

It is prepared as simply as the previous version: you need to fill a bucket of water, add a spoonful of ammonia and a glass of ash.

When the solution is ready, it should be filtered through cheesecloth to remove large inclusions.

Use this fertilizer to water the dill beds a week after planting.

The procedure should be repeated once every 7-10 days.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources