When planting tomatoes, it is extremely important to choose the right variety.
And it’s not that easy to do this, because there are now a huge number of varieties and hybrids.
We'll tell you about five varieties of tomatoes that experienced gardeners don't plant.
Firstly, "Sanka". An ultra-early and productive variety, but the taste is mediocre.
Secondly, "Babanovae Legs". A very productive variety, but the taste qualities are extremely low.
If you plant these tomatoes, then only for canning.
Thirdly, "The Frog Princess". Tomatoes of this variety do not store well.
In addition, it is difficult to determine ideal ripeness: unripe fruits are sour, overripe ones are watery.
Fourthly, "Auria". The fruits are not very sweet, and there are voids inside the seed chambers.
Also, this variety of seedlings has a thin stem and requires tying up immediately after planting in the ground.
Fifth, "Black Cherry". Productivity and disease resistance are low, fruits are prone to cracking.