This flower will outshine petunia: it blooms just as lushly, and can grow on bare sand and in the sun.

31.01.2025 03:20

Don't know what flowers to plant at your dacha instead of petunias?

Take a closer look at the caranthus. It blooms just as lushly and has many other advantages.

We'll tell you why you should plant this flower in your dacha.

Why is it worth planting caranthus?

Firstly, the caranthus is very beautiful. It grows in the form of a ball with a large number of bright flowers.

In addition, the plant has beautiful glossy leaves.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Secondly, the catharanthus is unpretentious. In its natural environment, this flower grows on bare sand.

Thirdly, the plant is drought-resistant. It can be planted in full sun. For residents of hot regions, this is a real find.

Catharanthus is grown from seeds. They are quite large, so there will be no problems with sowing.

You can sow for seedlings as early as February, or in March if there is no lighting.

Quaranthus is planted in a permanent location after the end of frosts.

Can be planted as a border plant, also suitable for growing in pots.

Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor