Tired of petunias and marigolds? Try planting lavatera.
This is not only a very beautiful plant, but also a completely unpretentious one.
We'll tell you why you should choose Lavatera.
Firstly, lavatera sprouts well. If you plant it through seedlings, it will bloom faster.
Secondly, this plant tolerates heat well and can grow with virtually no watering.
Thirdly, Lavatera grows quite quickly and has a long flowering period.
Fourthly, faded lavatera flowers fall off on their own and do not spoil the appearance of the bush.
Fifthly, the appearance of flowers does not suffer from rain, the stems do not bend from the wind.
To make the bushes grow more lush, sow two or three seeds per hole.
The distance between the holes is 20 centimeters. Then the lavatera will grow as a solid wall.
Lavatera does not tolerate transplantation well; only very young plants can be transplanted together with a lump of earth.