Another summer cottage season is just around the corner. In order for it to start successfully and without any surprises, you should start preparing gradually now.
One of the most important points directly related to the quality of the future harvest is the seedlings grown.
To achieve truly strong seedlings at home, there are several effective methods.
Let's talk about one of them, which allows you to significantly speed up the growth of seedlings.
By the way, it is in winter that active preparation for growing seedlings begins.
The period is extremely important in terms of providing the necessary conditions for future plants.
And to speed up the development of seedlings, you can build a kind of mini-greenhouse yourself.
For this we will need bottles. That is why experienced gardeners advise not to rush to throw them away.
Those who have already practiced this method say that these structures create the most comfortable conditions for the development of young plants.
So, we take the most ordinary plastic bottle and carefully remove its top part.
We will get something like a cup. We will install it above the container with seedlings, thus creating a greenhouse effect.
It is inside such home mini-greenhouses that special conditions are created that stimulate the active growth of seedlings.
Such structures are especially valuable at the beginning of spring, when the threat of frost is still high.
They protect young plants from sudden changes in temperature and cold, thereby allowing them to grow without any problems.