Whether cucumbers will produce a good harvest depends not least on the planting method.
One of the most effective is the Japanese method.
We will tell you how to plant cucumbers using this method.
The first stage is seed preparation. It is better to take old ones, they give powerful seedlings.
The seeds need to be warmed up. The easiest way is to keep them on the radiator for a couple of hours.
Next, soak the seeds in warm salted water (a teaspoon of salt per liter of water) for 12 hours. The water temperature should be about 30 degrees.
Then we take a bag (a construction bag, or a thick garbage bag) for 40-60 liters, and make drainage holes at the bottom.
Fill the bag with soil mixture (50% garden soil, 25% sand/coconut substrate, 25% humus), add 2 tbsp. wood ash and 2-3 tbsp. granulated chicken manure.
We plant 3 seeds in each bag at a depth of 2-3 cm (then we leave only the strongest shoots), water with warm water.
In the future, water in the morning and evening (half a liter of water under the root). Once a week, it is advisable to arrange a shower from a watering can.
It is extremely important to use only warm water for watering, as cold water will stop cucumbers from growing.
We tie up the grown cucumbers, this helps prevent diseases.