There are house plants that pose a real threat to both humans and their pets in the apartment.
The problem is that some people who may have these dangerous flora may not even be aware of the risks.
Therefore, experts recommend avoiding them. Among them is Zamioculcas.
It turns out that this plant can secrete poisonous juice. Therefore, since it is “prescribed” for you, work with it wearing gloves.
If the juice gets on your hands, you will later feel dry skin or itching, and even burns may appear.
Keep cats that like to eat plants away from contact with Zamioculcas. The plant is extremely dangerous for animals.
Dieffenbachia also has poisonous juice, attracting lovers of houseplants with its beautiful lush foliage and rapid growth.
If the juice of this creation of nature gets on your skin, it will cause a burn.
And if it gets into the eyes or throat, there is a risk of temporary blindness or swelling.
The juice of milkweed (euphorbia) is also very harmful. If it gets on the skin, severe itching and burning are almost guaranteed.
In some cases, the consequences are even more dire – there may be anemia.
The juice of domestic ivy is also toxic. If a child or cat chews a leaf of the plant, nausea and diarrhea will occur.
If you have ivy, you should only work with it wearing gloves, especially when pruning, shaping, or cutting.