How to protect strawberries from pests and diseases without any "chemicals": garlic and dandelions will help

03.02.2025 07:28

If you are counting (and you probably are) on a good strawberry harvest from your plot, you will have to take care to protect this crop from pests and diseases.

As a rule, purchased preparations are used for this purpose – achievements of the chemical industry.

But there are other ways that allow you to achieve the same goal, but this time without using any “chemistry”.

Experienced gardeners periodically use heated dandelion infusion - it will become an effective barrier against pathogens and pest colonies.

To prepare it, you will need to get 0.5 kg of grass, which is considered a weed, and 10 liters of water.

Photo: © Belnovosti

To protect strawberries from gray mold, you will need iodine - it is prepared from 10 ml of the pharmaceutical preparation and the same 10 liters of water.

If you don’t have dandelions yet (or already), try replacing the dandelion-based remedy with a cold garlic infusion.

To make it, you only need 2 heads of fresh garlic and the notorious 10 liters of water.

In addition, as a preventative measure, you can mow the leaves of the crop after fruiting.

This measure is suitable for strawberries, which bear fruit once per season and is carried out no later than mid-August.

After this, plant residues are, of course, removed, and the bushes and mulch in the beds are sprayed using dandelion infusion.

After 24 hours, water the strawberry plant thoroughly, then add a top dressing of 2 liters of mullein, 0.5 cups of ash and a matchbox of superphosphate. All of the listed ingredients should be diluted in 10 liters of water.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources