You can get rid of aphids without using insecticides.
You only need to plant one useful plant in your garden plot.
We will talk about medicinal wormwood, popularly known as the tree of God.
We'll tell you why you should definitely plant this plant in your dacha.
Medicinal wormwood is a very effective remedy against aphids and many other pests.
Simply place branches of the tree of God under roses, tomatoes, cucumbers and other plants, and pests will avoid them.
Sprigs of wormwood should be placed under roses when budding begins.
In addition, the tree of God is widely used in folk medicine.
This plant has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, fungicidal and antitumor effects.
Also, the leaves of medicinal wormwood are added to salads, roasts, sauces, confectionery, and drinks.
You can also grow the tree of God as an ornamental plant.
Medicinal wormwood does not require any special feeding; gentle pruning and moderate watering are all it requires.