What if dill could become your ultimate weapon against weeds?
Gardening blogger Gleb Kapustin revealed a shocking fact: dill secretes allelopathic substances that suppress the growth of 80% of weeds.
Sow it in a dense carpet (30 g of seeds per m²) – and in a month the bed will be covered with fragrant greenery, and the weeds will disappear.
The Journal of Organic Farming (2022) published a study: in dill plots, the number of weeds was reduced by 65% without weeding.
Essential oils of dill (carvone and limonene) block the germination of competitor seeds.
Interestingly, in ancient China, dill was planted around rice fields to protect them from weeds. Modern Israeli farmers use this method in greenhouses, replacing herbicides.
Fennel can be used as an alternative.
Its allelopathic properties are 2 times stronger, but it loves heat.