Can you plant tomatoes with cucumbers: the final answer to the eternal question

15.12.2024 11:51

Summer residents have an eternal question: is it possible to plant tomatoes with cucumbers? Much has been said and written on this topic.

However, time passes, and the issue comes back on the agenda. It is especially popular among beginning gardeners.

The final answer to the eternal “to be or not to be” for tomatoes and cucumbers was given by the expert of the online publication “BelNovosti”, scientist agronomist and landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh .

She noted that these plants have no special “claims” regarding the soil.

That is, theoretically, they will not have a negative impact on each other. But there is still a significant nuance.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The fact is that cucumbers and tomatoes have different requirements regarding microclimate and watering.

Thus, delicate tomato leaves can quickly burn in the sun if exposed to a large amount of water.

But cucumbers, on the contrary, love “water treatments”.

That is why tomatoes are watered at the roots, while cucumbers are given real “showers”.

The second point. Cucumbers do not require regular feeding. But tomatoes do.

Third. If greenhouse varieties of cucumbers do not tolerate drafts, then tomatoes, on the contrary, “approve” of ventilation.

Fourth, the high humidity required by cucumbers can harm tomatoes, which like dryness.

By the way, it is worth remembering that tomatoes begin to turn yellow and dry out at high temperatures.

If you take into account the above-mentioned features of both crops, then it is quite possible to grow them together.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor
Expert: Anastasia Kovrizhnykh Expert / Belnovosti