Getting blooming marigolds in May is a completely realistic task.
Growing through seedlings allows this to be done.
To make marigolds bloom in May, they need to be planted as seedlings in March.
Before sowing, the seeds must be disinfected by soaking them for 24 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
The second stage is soil preparation. The easiest option is to take universal soil from the store.
Be sure to make a layer of pebbles or expanded clay (3 cm) in the seedling boxes; marigolds love well-ventilated soil.
The seeds should be planted in furrows to a depth of 1.5 cm, the distance between the furrows should be 2.5 cm.
After sowing, cover the boxes with plastic bags and place them in a warm place (22-25 degrees).
Once a day we remove the bags for ventilation. After the shoots appear, we remove the film and move the boxes to a cool, light room.
After 4 leaves appear, the seedlings are picked. 10 days after picking, a combined mineral fertilizer should be applied.
Marigold seedlings are planted in open ground after the end of frosts.