5 Plants That Are Worth Spraying With Water and Mustard Powder: Note for Gardeners

30.07.2024 01:30

If you add a little mustard powder to water, you will get a super garden remedy.

It can be used to protect plants from various dangerous insects.

The resulting solution will cope perfectly with aphids, weevils, ants, and mole crickets.

It is enough to spray vulnerable plants with drops of the prepared liquid.

But there are a couple of important points. Firstly, when preparing the solution, you need to maintain a certain ratio of ingredients.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Secondly, water with mustard is not suitable for all garden crops.

How to properly prepare a mustard remedy

Take a standard bucket, fill it with plain water. The liquid should not be cold or hot, but moderately warm.

Add 20 grams of mustard powder to the water.

Mix the contents of the container thoroughly and wait 12 hours.

Then pour some of the resulting liquid into a spray bottle or a plastic bottle with a spray nozzle.

Apply drops of this product to those plants that are vulnerable to pests. The procedure can be repeated in a couple of weeks.

Which plants should be sprayed with mustard solution?

The above mentioned product is ideal for the following garden and vegetable crops:

  • gooseberry;
  • cucumbers;
  • peppers;
  • currant;
  • tomatoes.
Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. How to properly prepare a mustard remedy
  2. Which plants should be sprayed with mustard solution?

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