Want to grow really big carrots? Then prepare one super fertilizer!
Don't worry, there's nothing complicated about it.
On the contrary, the remedy is prepared with incredible ease. It is enough to just drop a little… iodine into a bucket filled with water.
Yes, don't be surprised. Experienced gardeners have long come to the conclusion that such an additive turns plain water into a luxurious fertilizer for carrots.
Add two or three drops of iodine to a bucket of water.
The result will be a mixture that will have a positive effect on the plant.
All you need to do is water the carrot beds with the resulting liquid.
For every 1 m2 there should be 1 liter of the product.
Thanks to iodine, garden crops will begin to show faster growth.
The gardener will certainly be pleased during the harvest period: the root crops will be very large.
It turns out that this popular garden crop can be fed with... yeast.
The remedy is prepared very simply: pour 10 grams of dry yeast and 2 tablespoons of sugar into a bucket filled with water.
Mix the contents of the container, wait 120 minutes, dilute the resulting liquid with plain water 5 times and water the area where the carrots grow.