How to protect potatoes from all diseases: fill the planting holes with garbage

08.11.2023 11:16

Not all summer residents are ready to use various chemicals on their plots, but this does not eliminate the need to combat plant diseases and pests.

Let's talk today about potatoes, which often suffer from scab, dry rot, alternaria, wireworm and other troubles.

According to experienced gardeners, a remedy that many consider to be ordinary garbage – onion and garlic peelings – will help to cope with the above-mentioned problems.

Such waste contains natural phytoncides and quercetin.

The named substances have a pronounced antibacterial effect and immunostimulating action.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Therefore, throughout the fall, winter and spring, it is worth collecting the peels left after cleaning these vegetables, drying them and storing them in bags.

When it's time to lower the tubers into the holes prepared for them, first throw in a handful of onion and garlic peelings.

Over time, this “additive” that gets into the soil will decompose and saturate it with useful macro- and microelements, acting in addition to everything else as a high-quality organic fertilizer.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor