What to do if you are overcome by weeds: they can be defeated without herbicides

10.07.2023 08:02

Weeds are not only the cause of the deterioration of the appearance of flower beds and garden beds, but also a factor that can lead to much more serious problems - for example, a decrease in crop yields.

There are many ways to combat weeds, including weeding or using herbicides, lists the expert of the online publication BelNovosti, agronomist, landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh .

However, the resourcefulness of resourceful summer residents does not end there, and they offer more and more new methods for eliminating “uninvited guests”.


To kill weeds and at the same time preserve moisture in the soil longer, you can use mulch - tree bark, needles of coniferous plants, straw, etc.

What is especially nice is that even a beginner in plant growing can mulch his or her plot, the main thing is that the thickness of the covering material layer is approximately 5 cm.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Boiling water

Some gardeners prefer to use regular water instead of store-bought chemicals – though not at room temperature, but real boiling water.

When pouring hot water on weeds, be careful not to burn the leaves of cultivated plants.


Another "hot" method involves using a torch. This is usually used when it comes to areas where mulch cannot be used, such as cracks in a sidewalk.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. Mulching
  2. Boiling water
  3. Fire

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