What to do if unripe fruits fall from an apple tree: we solve the problem on the advice of a gardener

05.07.2023 19:09

If the fruits fall off prematurely, there may be several reasons for this ailment - let's look into this issue in more detail.

One of the most common causes is disease – fruit rot and scab.

In the first case, dark spots appear on the apples, and then the fruit becomes completely rotten - infected apples fall from the tree.

When infected with scab, apples may fall off before ripening - a sign is the presence of brown spots, and the apple itself loses its shape.

To combat these diseases, the apple tree should be treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The second reason for fruit falling is pests - the codling moth and the apple sawfly. Therefore, the apple tree needs to be treated in the spring against pests.

Another reason is the lack of nutrients – phosphorus, potassium, calcium and other microelements.

Therefore, the apple tree, like other crops in your garden, needs fertilization so that the fruits do not fall off prematurely.

Author: Dmitry Liskovich Internet resource editor