The Perfect Fertilizer for Onions in Midsummer: Here's How to Get a Good Harvest

01.07.2023 21:20

There are literally just a few weeks left before the onion harvest begins.

However, summer residents still have time to help the culture achieve full development.

To do this, the plant must be properly fed, focusing on those components that the onion needs first and foremost.

In mid-summer, these microelements are potassium and phosphorus.

In addition, calcium and magnesium will definitely not harm the garden crop.

Photo: © Belnovosti

There is a combination that will ensure that all of the above components will get into the soil in the onion bed. There will be nothing extra.

How to prepare fertilizer

One glass of dolomite flour and unburned wood waste should be poured into a standard bucket.

Add potassium monophosphate (1 tbsp) to the same container.

This entire mass must be filled with clean water until the bucket is completely full.

If you water the spaces between the rows of an onion bed with the resulting liquid during the second summer month, the plant will receive all the compounds it needs.

After applying such fertilizer, the chances that the gardener will collect many large turnips will become very high.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief