What to spray tomatoes with at the end of June to harvest by the cartload: experienced gardeners know

27.06.2023 15:40

There is hardly anything more pleasant for gardeners than picking beautiful, even and healthy tomatoes from bushes grown with their own hands.

To achieve this result, treatments carried out at the end of June – beginning of July will help.

At this time, it is worth thinking about how to protect tomatoes from diseases, the most common of which is late blight, hated by all plant growers.

For this reason, knowledgeable farmers are not lazy and begin preventive treatments aimed at preventing such a misfortune as early as May. In the first month of summer, more serious means should be used for protection.

Among them are the drugs "Consento", "Provisor", "Gamair", "Fitosporin-M".

Photo: © Belnovosti

But that's not all - we must not forget about protective measures against pests.

For this purpose, biological preparations are most often used, the leaders among which are Biovert and Fitoverm.

These products remain in the soil for a certain period of time only, and then decompose, thus not harming plants and soil. However, there is one important nuance - you should not count on their help in the fight against spider mites. Instead, use stronger products, for example, the same "Aktara".

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor