How to Determine if There Are Ticks on Your Plot: A Simple Test

20.06.2023 08:07

Many summer residents ask themselves: is it possible to determine the presence of ticks on the territory they own, and if so, how to do this?

If you also belong to the category of anxious owners of private or country houses, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

Below you will find a way to accurately tell if you are at risk of being bitten by a blood-sucking insect while walking around your property.

You won't need any special devices for this purpose.

All you need is a piece of white fabric about a meter by a meter in size.

Photo: Pixabay

Attach the patch to a branch like a flag and walk slowly around the area, running the fabric over the grass and shrubs.

It is worth going for a “walk” after the morning dew has melted.

From time to time, carefully inspect the canvas from the underside. If there are mites in the area, you will certainly find at least one of them on the fabric.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources