Why you can't plant thuja near your house

01.06.2023 20:43

Photo: © Belnovosti

Is it possible to plant a thuja on a plot? There is a short and concise answer to this question - poisonous plants are not planted near the house.

Fortunately, thuja does not belong to this category, however, there are some superstitions among summer residents about this tree.

Because of these myths, people reject the beautiful and lush thuja with a soft crown.

We suggest you sort out the three most common myths and make an informed decision.

Which rumors can be believed?

  1. The first myth is that this tree brings bad luck. An unfounded superstition, as is the fact that the tree attracts evil spirits.
  2. Powerful root system – supposedly thuja should not be allowed to grow higher than the house, as it will destroy the foundation if planted nearby. This, by the way, is a fairly fair judgment.
  3. Thuja attracts thieves - perhaps the logic of some individuals is that only wealthy people can afford this tree.

In reality, the crown of this tree has an antimicrobial effect, which will reduce the number of seasonal colds.

Author: Dmitry Liskovich Internet resource editor