A simple remedy against slugs: gardeners advise

28.04.2023 07:29

One of the most common problems that gardeners and vegetable growers have to deal with is slugs.

Gastropods can cause serious damage to your plants and flowers, so it is important to know how to get rid of them promptly.

Several simple and effective methods will help you fight slugs effectively and safely.

Natural enemies of slugs

Attract dragonflies, toads and ducks to your area, as they happily feed on slugs.

Try to create conditions for the habitation of these animals: install nests, equip a small pond.

Photo: Pixabay

Invite hedgehogs to your site, which will not refuse to eat slugs and, like mollusks, can remain active at night.

Slug Barriers

Slugs will not be able to get to the plants if you arrange barriers of copper tape or pebbles near the beds. Such natural fences can be placed along the perimeter of the garden.


Slugs love sweets and intoxicating drinks. Use beer and sugar water to create effective baits.

Pests will not pass by such traps, but they will not be able to escape from them.

Dryness in the garden

Slugs like humidity and shady places, so try to keep your area dry, get rid of leaves and objects that can become a shelter for pests.

Now you are convinced that getting rid of slugs in the garden and keeping your plants safe is as easy as pie.

Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. Natural enemies of slugs
  2. Slug Barriers
  3. Lures
  4. Dryness in the garden