Provoking Poverty and Misfortune: 3 Plants That Need to Be Throwed Out of Your Home

20.04.2023 21:11

Almost every home has indoor plants that delight their owners with their beauty and purify the air.

However, according to folk beliefs, not all plants carry positive energy. There are flowers that are better thrown away.


Esotericists call this plant a symbol of death, misfortune and grief in the house. The people have a strong opinion that the fern provokes depression and severe headaches.

In addition, it is said that this plant deprives its owners of financial well-being. Superstitious people throw this plant away or simply plant it far from the house.


The flower captivates everyone with its beauty. But behind the external attractiveness hides a poisonous essence that is just waiting to strike. According to folk signs, azalea is an "energy vampire" from the world of flora.

Photo: Pixabay

Azalea in the house brings quarrels, misunderstandings and even betrayals. The plant should especially not be placed in the bedroom - it can allegedly cause health problems.


Esotericists do not recommend keeping this plant in the house. For women, it promises problems in personal life and professional activity.

Men become more irritable and constantly feel tired.

Superstitious people remove ivy from their homes, but do not throw it away, but plant it near the gate. They say that here it protects the house from the evil eye and other evil.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. Fern
  2. Azalea
  3. Ivy