Want to pick lots of juicy and sweet raspberries? Have time to do it in April

20.04.2023 08:58

Not everyone knows how to properly grow raspberries to get a large harvest.

However, with certain rules, the chances of success in growing sugar and large raspberries increase significantly.

Trimming shrubs

It is best to prune raspberries in the fall, but if you haven’t had time to do this, you can do it in the spring.

First of all, you need to remove old dry shoots that bore fruit last year – they are no longer needed. Remove shoots carefully, cutting them as low to the ground as possible so that no stumps remain.

The second step is to remove thin shoots that can thicken the raspberry patch.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Inspect the shoots for the presence of raspberry gall midge. Such stems with swellings should be removed, taken outside the area and burned.

The next step is to shorten the shoots by about 20-30 cm. This trick will help the raspberry to branch more and give an enviable harvest.

Preventive treatment

In spring, it is better to use preparations that do not contain fungicides. You can pay attention to Bordeaux mixture, azophoska.

Raspberry fertilizing

The berry crop is very demanding in terms of nutrition. Raspberries especially love organic matter.

In winter, it is useful to mulch the raspberry patch with rotted compost, and it can be applied in large quantities: up to 3 buckets per 1 square meter.

Wood ash

Raspberries will delight you with sweet and juicy berries if you choose wood ash as a natural fertilizer. You can apply fertilizer up to 2 cups per 1 sq. meter.

If there is no ash, you can use regular potassium-phosphorus fertilizer.

By following these simple tips, everyone will be able to grow lots of tasty and sweet raspberries.

Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. Trimming shrubs
  2. Preventive treatment
  3. Raspberry fertilizing
  4. Wood ash

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