Experienced housewives and part-time flower lovers do not throw hair from their combs into the trash can.
They do it differently - they use hair as fertilizer for houseplants.
There are many products for home flowers. There are special compositions that contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, copper, zinc and a number of other important elements.
Along with them, folk remedies coexist. For example, onion peel, garlic solution, sugar, tea. Many believe that these remedies are useful for flowers. Some housewives have more cunning fertilizers in their arsenal, which may raise questions among skeptics.
This action may seem strange. But there are many positive reviews on the Internet that this trick actually works.
In addition, the trick helps superstitious people. According to popular belief, you can't throw your hair in the trash.
Therefore, they are simply buried in a flower pot. The plants subsequently receive some nitrogen, which stimulates the development of flowers. In addition, housewives have learned to make drainage from a large amount of hair.
However, it is not recommended to use dyed hair, because all the “chemicals” will get into the soil, which will not benefit the flower.