5 reasons why cucumber seedlings stretch: what is being done wrong

29.03.2023 18:30
Updated: 14.04.2023 22:58

The seedling method is the most popular when growing cucumbers. When using it, the fruiting period begins earlier, in some cases you can even get a harvest at home.

In order for cucumbers to develop at the right pace, it is necessary to observe the timing of planting seeds, as well as the rules for caring for seedlings. This allows you to get strong plants, but not always.

At some point, cucumber seedlings begin to stretch. There are always reasons for this phenomenon.

Not enough light

If cucumbers receive little natural light, they will try to get it.

The seedlings will reach for the light, and will bend in the direction from which it comes. The problem often occurs if the seeds were planted early.

Photo: Pixabay


Strong plants respond to it by stretching. Seedlings that are still weak and young will simply fall down from the impact of the air flow.

Therefore, there is no need to keep cucumber seedlings on the windowsill during ventilation.

High temperature

The above-ground part of the seedlings will develop intensively in a warm room. But only the stem will grow, due to which the seedlings will stretch out.

This will happen because the roots will not have time to develop, and in this case the leaves will not be able to appear.


It stimulates plant growth, which is not always beneficial. If excess moisture is combined with high temperatures, the seedlings will stretch out.

To stop disproportionate growth, you need to stop watering and add soil to the containers.

Mistakes in feeding

Excess nitrogen leads to rapid growth of green mass by plants.

It can be used only after the first pair of true leaves appear. Otherwise, the seedlings will stretch out.

Author: Yana Lysova Internet resource editor

  1. Not enough light
  2. Draft
  3. High temperature
  4. Overwatering
  5. Mistakes in feeding