The seedlings have stretched out: how to fix the situation and 5 reasons why this happens

27.03.2023 16:20
Updated: 14.04.2023 22:16

If the seedlings have stretched out, then first of all, the cause is eliminated, and then the negative consequences for the seedlings are minimized.

There are several conditions under which seedlings grow tall, thin and frail.

Thickening of crops

Some gardeners sow a large number of seeds in a limited volume of soil. The seedlings begin to fight for food and light. The result is long and frail seedlings.

To begin with, seedlings are planted in separate containers. Plants are deepened to the cotyledon leaves. A little time will pass, and the seedlings will begin to receive as much nutrition as necessary for proper development.

Along with picking, it is permissible to carry out preventive treatment with a preparation containing beneficial microflora, for example, Fitosporin.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Poor lighting

The first 14 days from the moment of emergence are the most important in terms of lighting. During this period, seedlings need almost round-the-clock supplementary lighting.

High temperature

Lighting and temperature are related. The more light seedlings receive, the easier they can tolerate high temperatures.

The ideal option, according to experts, is fluctuations in night and day temperatures. For example, in the dark, the indicator is within the range of +18 … +20 °C, and during the day it can be +23 … +25 °C.


The first 2 weeks, the roots of seedlings slowly absorb moisture. With excessive watering, in addition to stretching, another problem may arise - mold on the soil surface.

Lots of top dressing

Summer residents surround seedlings with attention and care, add various fertilizers, but this does not always bring benefits. The seedlings are trying hard to absorb everything that gets into the soil, which is why they stretch.

Experienced gardeners do not recommend applying more than 3 additional fertilizers for seedlings during the entire growing period. In addition, the amount of nitrogen component should be minimized and the amount of phosphorus and potassium should be increased. For example, monopotassium phosphate is considered a good option - 1 g per 1 liter of water.

How to stop seedlings from stretching

There are special products that help stop seedlings from stretching. For example, "Athlete" or "Tour". The products stimulate the formation of new roots. However, the products are used when the seedlings have at least 6 true leaves. Otherwise, there is a chance that the seedlings' development will stop completely.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. Thickening of crops
  2. Poor lighting
  3. High temperature
  4. Overwatering
  5. Lots of top dressing
  6. How to stop seedlings from stretching