The secret of "sugar" tomatoes: what to add under each bush to improve the taste of the fruit

26.03.2023 20:38

If a gardener always strives for an ideal result, then he will consider success to be obtaining a harvest of the sweetest tomatoes possible.

Proper care of tomato bushes increases the chances of improving the taste of the fruit.

We are talking about regular watering of the plant and timely replenishment of important nutrients in the soil.

The secret to the vegetable’s “sugary” quality is the use of standard organic fertilizer and another simple remedy.

How to prepare the remedy

You need to almost completely fill the bucket with warm clean water, add one glass of wood burning residue and one tablespoon of table salt to the container.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The contents of the bucket must be thoroughly mixed and then passed through the filter surface.

After this, all that remains is to feed the garden crop with the prepared liquid.

Half a liter of this solution should be poured under each tomato bush.

The result of this simple procedure will be protection of the plant from pests and rapid supply of such important microelements as potassium and phosphorus to the soil.

The bushes will produce very large fruits. In addition, the vegetables will be sweet.

However, the application of the salt-ash solution should not be repeated. If the procedure is carried out again, serious harm may be caused to the garden crop.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief