How to Protect Potatoes from Colorado Potato Beetle: 5 Folk Remedies

22.03.2023 14:20
Updated: 14.04.2023 19:50

Which insect poses the greatest danger to potatoes?

Many summer residents will probably answer this question like this: “Colorado potato beetle!”

The appearance of this pest in a potato bed often leads to a complete loss of the vegetable harvest.

That is why the insect should not be ignored under any circumstances. As soon as it appears on the site, special means must be used.

But which ones - chemical or natural? Some gardeners are used to using "chemistry": it works quite quickly and effectively.

Photo: © Belnovosti

However, many people focus on using folk remedies, which in most cases are safe for plants, soil cover and the gardener himself.

Among natural preparations, the following five remedies are the most effective in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle.

Tomato leaves

It's quite easy to turn tomato tops into a remedy against dangerous insects.

To do this, it is enough to collect a kilo of leaf blades, put them in a bucket, fill them with clean warm liquid and wait a couple of hours.

Add a little soap to the resulting infusion. Now the product can be used to spray potatoes.

Onion peel

An infusion of onion peels is prepared in a similar way.

True, it is enough to put 200 grams of vegetable remains in the bucket. In addition, there is no need to add soap.


You will need quite a few garlic cloves. After grinding them, you should get a mass that will completely fill a standard glass.

The resulting base must be diluted with a bucket of water, then wait 24 hours.

Birch tar

The Colorado potato beetle is afraid of this remedy too. One hundred grams is enough for a bucket of water.

Spraying potatoes with the prepared liquid should be done twice a week.


And don't forget about the benefits of unburned wood waste.

They are the easiest to use: just dust the garden crop.

The procedure should be carried out in the morning hours: before the dew disappears. If everything is done correctly, the pest may disappear the next day.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. Tomato leaves
  2. Onion peel
  3. Garlic
  4. Birch tar
  5. Ash