What advanced gardeners use to replace eggshells: this alternative does not have an unpleasant smell

21.03.2023 18:56

Many gardeners and vegetable growers do not hesitate to use food waste on their plots to provide the crops grown there with useful substances.

Eggshells are especially often used to “saturate” plants with calcium.

However, such fertilizer has significant disadvantages. Firstly, it often provokes the appearance of an unpleasant smell, and secondly, if the family does not respect eggs very much, then there is nowhere to get the material for feeding.

To protect crops from calcium deficiency, you can use another organic fertilizer – bone meal.

For its production, ground cattle bones are used, which is why bone meal contains not only calcium, but also phosphorus.

Photo: © Belnovosti

This alternative to eggshells has many advantages, besides the lack of a strong “aroma”.

So, fertilizer is sold, perhaps, in any store for gardeners and costs mere pennies.

In addition, using bone meal on the site is very easy: just add it to the soil in dry form (10 g per 1 kg of soil) or prepare a solution of 1 teaspoon of flour and 4 liters of water.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor