Why You Should Trim Cacti: You'll Be Surprised When You Find Out

02.03.2023 15:25

Caring for indoor plants is not easy and includes a whole range of procedures – watering, fertilizing, loosening and… trimming.

Yes, yes, this is exactly the operation that some gardeners perform with cacti peacefully growing on their windowsills.

In their opinion, such an operation is necessary in order to protect the plant from fungal diseases and reduce the risk of rotting.

It is recommended to trim when the skin of the plant has withered and acquired a yellowish tint. Another sign that trimming is necessary is that the cactus is too soft.

Important: don't cut everything at random. Instead, follow certain rules.

Photo: © Belnovosti

First, remove the healthy shoot that will need to root after treatment.

Secondly, if the plant is rotting at a height of more than 15 cm, it is better to prune from above using a steel blade. Remove the upper parts by 10 cm and, if the cutting is not damaged, prepare it for planting immediately.

The tip of the cutting should be sharpened so that the pulp barely protrudes, but the cambial ring should not be touched. Dust it with charcoal powder and send it to dry - this process takes up to 5 days.

The planting should begin when the tip is equal to the edge of the plant. To do this, make a 2 cm deep hole in the soil, where the plant should be placed. The pot should be placed on a lighted windowsill and periodically sprayed for 30 days.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor