What indoor plants attract money to the house: a note for housewives

01.03.2023 00:30

There are many different observations known among the people related to indoor plants that bring well-being to their owners.

Some people like to believe in them, some don’t trust them, but many housewives tend to take such houseplants into their homes to be on the safe side, as they bring money into the house.

What colors are these properties attributed to?

First place goes to the fat woman, otherwise known as crassula, which also has the simple name of “money tree”.
This tree, which grows in many apartments, is rumored to have the ability to attract money. The level of well-being largely depends on its growth. The most famous plant on our list is the fat woman.

According to signs, to ensure the "operability" of the fat woman, it is necessary to use a green, and if possible, a red pot. Several coins should be placed on the bottom of the pot. Tearing off dried leaves on the money tree is prohibited, they should fall off on their own.

The most important requirement is proper care of the flower, which is simple. This will ensure the growth of the plant.

Photo: © Belnovosti

According to popular belief, the drying out of the fat plant entails a decrease in profit. But such a state of the beautiful plant is an extremely rare occurrence. It is unlikely that anyone would deliberately abuse the plant.

The blooming of the fat woman in your apartment is a reason to buy a safe. Popular beliefs are equally related to this phenomenon, which means the approach of unexpected wealth.

The second position among money plants is given to the “golden veins” of the frequently encountered geranium.

This flower can be found in almost any rating of indoor plants. It is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, is a preservative plant, and copes well with repelling functions against annoying insects.
Modern housewives often use geranium as a magnet for wealth. The plant will not be able to attract millions for the home, but the presence of geranium, which grows well and has a lush color, is evidence of stability and prosperity. People have noted these facts since ancient times, many families have been using grandma's geranium for decades.

Third place goes to the cactus. No special significance should be attached to its variety, color, or presence of thorns.

Cactus helps to save material well-being in houses. It prevents various financial troubles, acting as a means of increasing well-being. By providing this plant with a place with bright sunlight and moderate watering, you will receive its favor and gratitude.

Cactus is not characterized by capriciousness or demandingness. The plant survives dry climates well and can go for a long time without replanting. It does not require attention, quickly becomes a familiar part of the interior, and often acts as an unchangeable attribute of the room.

If your cactus blooms, this phenomenon will provide extraordinary beauty with its flowers. The appearance of a new cactus in the apartment is often associated with an unexpected cash inflow.

Lucky bamboo. It lacks only a little to enter the top three. We are talking about the mysterious indoor bamboo, or Dracaena sanderiana. The plant may be ahead of the previously listed ones, but not everyone immediately notices its features for attracting money to their homes.

Bamboo is a symbol of prosperity, good fortune and rapid success. These criteria are suitable for material well-being. Fans of indoor flowers tend to believe that with the success attracted by dracaena, your financial affairs will be consistently positive over a long period. The plant requires only minimal care.

The main requirement is timely and abundant watering, especially in the summer. If active growth of shoots is noticed in the house, the owner should be prepared for an unexpected increase in wealth. A beautiful figurine of a toad holding a gold coin in its mouth will attract money in tandem with bamboo.

The last place in the top 5 money plants is given to nephrolepis.

It is a moisture-loving plant that protects your wallet from unnecessary investment. This feature ensures the stabilization of material well-being. How does the fern manage to do this?

Most likely, before buying an unnecessary thing, each of us has a memory of a fern with a threatening... crown. It is not uncommon to hear phrases that the lucky ones bought a fern before receiving wealth.

If the fern blooms (scientists, however, have proven the inconsistency of this possibility), then the owners of the plant will not know need.

Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor