One Mistake in Pest Control Will Ruin All Strawberries: What Summer Residents Forget

23.02.2023 21:22

There are pest control measures that experienced gardeners advise never to use.

These methods are effective, but they can also kill plants. This is especially true for strawberries.

Summer residents try to protect their plantings from the transparent strawberry mite using a Soviet trick, but they cause great harm to the plants.

It is known that this pest dies at a temperature of +60 °C and above. Based on this, the USSR came up with one trick.

After fruiting, newspapers or straw are laid out on the bed and then the material is set on fire. This creates harmful conditions for the mite, but the strawberries may also suffer.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In theory, the method is not bad, but in practice it is impossible to get a 100% result. In addition, the method is fire hazardous. Therefore, experienced gardeners and agronomists do not recommend using this trick.

It is safer and more reliable to use special preparations that kill ticks but do not harm plants.

For example, "Karbofos", "Aktellik", "Fufanon", "Fitoverm". It is important to carry out two treatments. The first will kill adult individuals, and the second will help deal with the young generation of pests that will appear in about 7-10 days.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor