Indoor plants will delight you with lush foliage and bright flowers if you provide them with periodic care and timely feeding.
An irreplaceable assistant in this matter will be succinic acid, which has beneficial properties and is easy to use.
The medicine from the first aid kit has a wonderful effect on plants, will help flowers to improve their growth, will act as a preventive measure against diseases, and will help to absorb food well.
Succinic acid will be useful for treating seeds before planting, fertilizing, seedling survival, and replanting plants.
Purchase succinic acid in any convenient form and from trusted sellers to avoid foreign impurities.
To prepare the solution, you will need only one 100 mg tablet and 100 ml of warm water. Mix and add water to 2 liters. If you have succinic acid powder, dissolve 1 g in 5 liters of water prepared for irrigation.
Don't water the flowers more often than 2 times in 30 days.