How to Harvest Early Cucumbers: 7 Tips That Have Never Let Anyone Down

10.02.2023 14:47
Updated: 13.04.2023 23:50

In order to get an early harvest of cucumbers, it is not enough to simply plant seeds for seedlings faster than your neighbors.

We will tell you what 7 tips will help you achieve your goal almost certainly. You need to choose the right variety, grow strong seedlings and apply the necessary fertilizers.

Variety or hybrid

Many summer residents are wary of hybrids, confusing them with GMOs. And in vain. The fact is that most hybrids are bred by breeders for growing in Spartan conditions and obtaining an early harvest. But the seeds from them will be worthless.


It will be difficult to grow an early crop of vegetables without seedlings. Seedlings on the windowsill are stronger and more hardened, and therefore begin to bear fruit earlier.

Greenhouse or open ground

You don't even have to think about it. Cucumber loves warmth and moisture, so it is impossible to achieve intensive growth of seedlings at 12-14 degrees Celsius. Therefore, you need to plant only in a greenhouse.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Top dressing

This crop needs fertilizers throughout the season, so seedlings are fed 2 weeks after transplantation, then at least once every 10 days. They need a productive "trinity" (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus), as well as magnesium, copper, manganese and iron.

To stimulate growth, the drug "PlodoStim" or its analogues is used.


Without this technique, it will be impossible to retain moisture in the soil, as well as avoid fluctuations in day and night temperatures. Mulch also protects the roots from overheating and crust formation on the soil after watering. Hay, straw, compost or old humus are used.


This is not the most resistant crop, suffering from fungal and infectious diseases. Most often, it happens that the disease takes you by surprise. It is better to use biofungicides that can prevent the development of gray, white, as well as fusarium root rot and tracheomycosis.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Variety or hybrid
  2. Seedling
  3. Greenhouse or open ground
  4. Top dressing
  5. Mulching
  6. Diseases